Until You Came Along

I'm sitted 

Crying my pain away

While you are out there


It's your day.

You robbed me,

Went ahead and,

Touched what is not yours,

You scarred me forever,

Leaving me with wounds,

That not even time can heal.

When you finally get your wife,

You are never going to remember me,

You will not think of,

How you snuck into my room,

Not think of the touch,

The touch that I loathed,

How you defiled me,

For days and days on end,

You aren't going to remember,

Little me,

Writhing under you.

I never understood

What was happening?

I mean,

How was I supposed to know that,

That is private?

How was I to know

It wasn't right?

It wasn't supposed to happen?

I was but a mere child,



I was pure,

Until you came along.


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