That one person.

There comes a time when you just meet this one person and like magic, you are intrigued. That one person who takes to you a whole different level of happiness. The one whom you can talk to about anything and everything. Pour your heart to and never have a doubt. The one who sees behind that happy mask you have on. The one person who knows you as you and not what you depict. The one who sees you fail but still encourages to keep going ahead. They know of your flaws and still accept you as you are; no discrimination. The one you can fall apart before them and they'd sew you back to whole. The one who moulds who you are; partly determines who you shall be. The one you want have deep conversations about life with. That one person you want to annoy forever. Who makes your heart beat just by the sight of them. Who makes you smile even when you are down low. Who calls you in the middle of the night just to ask you if you are awake. That one person you are comfortable wearing pjs before them. The one who crossed your mind when you read this. Have you such a person?


  1. Hehe awesome blog....

    Yeees such a person exists in my life luckily...


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