Peace and calmness.

"Have you ever experienced that serenity and peaceful feeling? That out-of-this-world feeling? Where you feel as though you're on cloud nine? Have you ever felt at peace with yourself and with your surrounding? Felt as though nothing can break you? That you have finally gotten your "Happily ever after"? Felt that kind of serenity that is almost like paradise?"

Well, when most people are asked all that, they promptly think of one being at peace after getting that dream job, after holding that top position in school, after marrying that dream man/woman. All that brings one peace of mind and a sense of calmness. But one that is temporary and as is known, all what's temporary ends and we, as human,do not,and I repeat, do not want anything temporary. So the main challenge lies in attaining serenity and peace of mind that will last us a whole lifetime and even once we are six feet under. Achieving that calmness, mind you, takes time and requires utmost patient and humility. (And patience is beautiful) You need to be ready to let go of most of your habits and adapt new ones.

You dream of serenity yet you are always comparing yourself with all who surround you. You keep thinking, "So and so is better than me. So and so dresses better than me." If you keeping putting yourself down, how are you going to be at peace? You'll end up in pieces, dear one. Remember, each person is a package deal, so accept the whole package. That person you are admiring for their wealth, has heart disease. That girl whose looks you are jealous of, spends more than half of her salary on petty make-up. Remember Allah (SWT) says in Surat Al An'am (6:165):(( And he has raised some of you in ranks, some above others that He may test you in that which He has bestowed upon you.)) Don't look at those above you and feel bad and pitiful towards yourself; look at those below you and feel grateful and pacified about yourself.

My dear, you need to stop rejecting your destiny if it's peace that you want. This way, you will avoid slaying it. Refrain from being absolutely angry, upset and frustrated about your life's events. You are doing nothing but sentencing yourself to a life full of misery. Remember, Allah (SWT) says in Surah Al Baqarah (2:216):((You may hate something when it is good for you, and you may love something when it is bad for you, Allah knows and you do not know.)) Keep that in mind, sweet one, and you'll forever be serene.

If you are searching for calmness in your life, find it in prayer. Just five prayers. The feeling of calmness that you get in prayer surpasses all feelings there are. The fact that you are before Allah and you are pouring your heart out during prostration, that is enough for you. That, itself, is enough to calm your racing heart. It is enough to cool that anger. Hence each time you feel restless, disturbed and uncomfortable with your situation in life, just get up and pray. Cry out to Allah. Let out all your frustration by praying for as long as possible. Thereafter, you shall be calm and at peace.

You want peace? Give up all illusions that you have. The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said, " Be in this life as a stranger or passerby. Bukhari" Like a passerby, you move with a purpose without getting side-tracked. You focus on your goal, earning Allah's pleasure and hence rely on Him. You set your eyes on God and not accumulating material wants. Then is when you will live your life free of anxiety and competing with others. You can forgive and let things go easily.

Don't dwell over the past. It has passed. Do not ponder so much so over it that you torture yourself. So and so hurt you, forgive them. You did bad to a friend, ask for forgiveness and rectify yourself. Stop making a mountain out of a molehill. It will do you more harm than good. You will forever lose your peace and calmness. Enjoin good and let yourself enjoy the serenity of NOW!

Put in mind that serenity is not freedom from that storm inside you; Rather it is your inner peace amid that very storm.
See, when you do the right thing, you get the feeling of inner peace and serenity. So do it over and over again.


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