I hear of you, O Black Seed, I hear of your praises, What are you, O Black Seed? What are you? Black Seed, What am I? I am the Black Caraway, From Egypt I come, I am the Kalonji, Black Seed, I am thymol, Thymoquinone , Thymol hydroquinone, All in one. Black Caraway, I am a miracle seed, I am what Cleopatra used as cosmetic treatment Kalonji, I am that Pharaoh Tutankhamun placed on his tomb, I am what the Greatest man, Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) talked of, I heal all, except Death. Kalonji, I am the Roman Coriander, What Isaiah talked about in the Old Testament, What Dioscorides used to cure head and toothaches, I am the Habbat Al Barakah, The Blessed seed, from Arabia, The one whose prominence was gained, During the rise of Islam. Black Cumin, I am a antidepressant, Ensuring my user succumbs not to stress, An inflammatory, liver protector, Fennel Flower, I fight cancer, courtesy of alpha-heredin in me, I remedy many, Diabetes, as...